Today we’ll see a demonstration of analyzin interpretations from dream books. My favorite one is the online
We’ll click on the letter “B” in the alphabet at the top of the Dream Moods Dream Dictionary’s page, and scroll down until we find a random token that appears to be a good one.
“B (the letter B)
“To see a baboon in your dream suggests that you need to be more expressive in your feelins.
“To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies betoken somethin in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted.
“If you dream that the baby is smilin at you, then it suggests that you are experiencin pure joy. You do not ask for much to make you to be happy. If you find a baby in your dream, then it suggests that you have acknowledged your hidden potential.”
What Have Two Other Sources to Say?
Now we’ll compare among two other interpretations, from printed books in my possession:
A. “To dream of cryin babies is indicative of ill health and disappointments.
“A bright, clean baby betokens love requited, and many warm friends”
So from that one we see that we don’t want the baby to be cryin. And we get more specific foretellin about what it commands our superconscious mind to produce. Let’s check out the next book, which is 65 years newer than the one whereat we just looked. This one is from 1974:
B. “If the baby is pretty, then you will be fortunate through the helpin of friends. However, if the baby is ugly or in any way displeasin to you, look out for treachery in someone whom you are inclined to trust.
“Helpless or sick babies are generally a warnin of hardship ahead, so be canny in your business and/or love affairs.”
More specifics.
Generally all three sources agree that a pleasin and happy baby is a good token to put into our designs, or to display upon our walls and our clothin.
The Source of Light
I’ll ad some more lore for free, the most fortunate spot to put the light’s source is from over your right shoulder, or on the upper right between you and the subject of the design. In any case it should be high and frontal, for best effect in our lives. High, frontal, and in the middle is also a good position for the source of light.
If the light, such as the Sun, is depicted in the design, it is very good either in the middle, or in the upper right hand corner. Explanations for all these positions you’ll learn by and by if you stay plugged in to the overcomin.
How Mighty are the Sights?
Another point is not to expect that just lookin at pictures or tokens is goin to make all the difference in our health, wealth, or anythin else. It is a booster for active measures that we take to achieve those things.
Moreover, we are competin against a multitude of wrong designs and tokens, so the effect will be much greater as our Symbolic Saviors overcomin is achieved.
The Most Beneficial Design
The category “Divine Perfection Patterns®” includes Medicine Wheels, clockwise Swastikas, and Yantras. That is the most beneficial design we can produce. It can be done in a realistic picture or in abstract. I have been workin on a realistic example to show to photographers and realistic painters. Here is a likeness of the unfinished version:

How to Find the Formula!
The simplified version of the formula is to be found at this address:
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